Basketball Leagues

There’s something incredibly valuable about kids participating on a team; not only for the physical activity, but also for the teamwork that they learn. Grace has served as the host church for The Pekin Union Mission basketball league and clinic the last few years.
Men’s Softball Team

Grace has a long-standing team that gets together to compete in a local softball league each summer. While they love to win on the field, they’re ultimately there to have fun and build community. Being a part of this group helps guys to be connected with each other as they grow in faith together. The league they play in is with Pekin Park District and typically runs from April to August.
Volleyball Open Gym
Sports can be just as much about fun as team competition, and that’s why we’ve had a consistent group meeting weekly for a volleyball open gym. A very casual gathering, this group simply sets up the nets and has a great time together while also getting some exercise! All ages are welcome to come and participate – no olympic volleyball skills required!

Interested in participating?
For more information on getting plugged into sports ministries, contact the church office at (309) 347-7131 or email