It is that time of year again that our Youth will be having their Amazing
Spud Potato Bar at Pekin’s Marigold Festival.
Mark you calendar! Festival dates are September 7th & 8th.
Each year it is of our church community that helps make this happen. And
we could not be more grateful! If you feel a “call” to help…there are several ways you can be involved.
- Volunteers to help sell at our booth
- Volunteers to bake at the church
- Volunteers to “Run” food from church to booth
- Volunteers for setup and teardown
- We also are asking for anyone that would like to donate $30.00 for a bag
of potatoes.
A volunteer sign up sheet will be available in the office. The positions will be for
a shift. We really appreciate anyone that is willing to help!
Please feel free to call Jill or Brionna for more information.