Help! Help! Volunteers Needed.

Help! Help! Volunteers Needed.
July 18, 2024 secretary

It is that time of year again that our Youth will be having their Amazing
Spud Potato Bar at Pekin’s Marigold Festival.
Mark you calendar! Festival dates are September 7th & 8th.
Each year it is of our church community that helps make this happen. And
we could not be more grateful! If you feel a “call” to help…there are several ways you can be involved.

  • Volunteers to help sell at our booth
  • Volunteers to bake at the church
  • Volunteers to “Run” food from church to booth
  • Volunteers for setup and teardown
  • We also are asking for anyone that would like to donate $30.00 for a bag
    of potatoes.

A volunteer sign up sheet will be available in the office. The positions will be for
a shift. We really appreciate anyone that is willing to help!

Please feel free to call Jill or Brionna for more information.