Make sure to get registered for Vacation Bible School! We’ll be twisting and turning with God Monday-Friday, July 31st – Aug 4th. The kids will learn how following Jesus can change their lives! We’ll have games, crafts, snacks, and science experiments. Plus, Friday night will be a celebration at Dragonland!
VBS is open to kids in preschool through 5th grade.
Monday through Thursday at Pekin First UMC, 1315 Court St.
Please arrive 5:30-5:45 on Monday for initial check-in and meeting group leaders. Start time on Tues, Weds, Thurs will be 6:00 PM. VBS will conclude at 8 PM each night.
On Friday, meet at Dragonland from 6-8 PM – bring the whole family to twist and turn down the waterslides!
Cost: FREE!